Combating Flight Anxiety
Flying used to give me immense anxiety. It still does at times, but I am able to manage it much more effectively. How? Through some Cognitive Behavioral Therapies and Breathing Techniques.
The Self-Talk Method
First things first, remind yourself of some facts. When you are faced with something that makes you anxious, it's good to focus on some quick facts that can help refute your fears. This isn't to say your fears aren't valid it's just to remind yourself that it's not all doom and gloom. Some quick flight facts:
Flying is safer than driving.
Flight attendants are trained in first aid.
If you have a medical emergency, a plan over land is one of the best places you can be. They have protocols to get you to a hospital very quickly.
A lot of turbulence is caused by air pressure/currents. It rarely means there is something wrong with the plane.
Pilots do a multi-point inspection before every flight.
Positive Affirmations
Affirmations are a great way to calm a wandering, swirling mind. They help you refocus and can be very grounding. When getting ready to fly or while flying, you can repeat affirmations to yourself. Say them in your head, aloud or write them down (over and over again for at least 5 minutes or until you feel more calm). Examples of flight affirmations:
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