Fall Self-Care
Happy Sunday! With fall and sweater weather in full swing, let's talk about fall self-care. Yes, there is self-care for the seasons too! Basically it's just self-care involving cozy things and things that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, but who doesn't love that? So, before I bore you with my senseless ramblings, let's get to it...

Warm Tea + A Good Book
Sit down with a cup of your favorite tea (or coffee) and read or journal. If you really want to get yourself in the fall mood, grab a fuzzy blanket and bundle up! This is a great way to unplug and warm up as the weather starts to cool off.
Take a Bubble Bath
Bubble baths are great anytime of year, but there isn't much more soothing than coming home freezing and stepping into a nice, warm bath to thaw out. When I lived in Minnesota, I lived for getting in a warm tub after freezing my booty off in the icey cold tundra that is the Midwest.
Make ALL the Apple Spiced Things
Pumpkin spice has grown increasingly popular in recent years, but I'm all for the traditional apple spice. Make some homemade cider (less sugar), make a pie (comfort food), or even make a face mask and indulge in some beauty self-care.
Christmas Movies + Baking
I cannot be the only person that does this... Turn on some Christmas movies and bake a couple of your favorite treats. You will thank me later (if you've never tried this). It's FANTASTIC. I don't usually eat what I make either, I bring it to friends and family, which adds a fun giving bonus!
Do a Hydrating Face Mask
News flash! Cooler weather in fall and winter usually means drier air. This is when the skin on your hands start breaking, lips get chapped and elbows and knees start to feel like sandpaper. Do your skin a favor and get a hydrating mask going!
Most Importantly... ENJOY The Fall!
Take time to sit back, relax and really enjoy it. Family and friends are getting together, Sundays become all about binging football games, and nature has a beautiful way of making everything so colorful for a while. It won't last forever though, so enjoy it while you can!