My Trader Joe's Must-Haves List
I would like to start this by saying, if you do not have a Trader Joe's near you I am deeply sorry. Like really, truly, my condolences. Trader Joe's is basically the only place we go for groceries. There are the one-off things like water chestnuts and protein powder that we just cannot get at our local Trader Joe's but you could say 95-99% of our grocery shopping is done there.

Over the last two years of getting healthy and really learning to cook, I have established a number of "must-haves" which we almost always buy on our weekly Trader Joe's visit. Some of these are not the healthiest, but still much better than the junk Oreos and Hostess cakes that we could be getting. So I'm going to stop typing out nonsense now, here's my list:
Bell Peppers

You're thinking, Kayla, we can get those anywhere. Why yes, Cheryl, you can. That however does not mean bell peppers shouldn't make my must-haves list. Bell peppers are one of the best gifts you can give your body in terms of nutrition. Not only are they low calorie for their size, but very high in natural vitamin C. Ditch the overpriced vitamin C pills and eat half a bell pepper everyday. You can add it to salads, stir fry, tacos, pretty much whatever.

Chicken Flavored Ramen Bowls
This is undoubtedly on the unhealthier side of this list, but hands-down my #1 favorite treat. Trader Joe's makes their own brand ramen that is better than just about any other ramen out there, the best part, it's SUPER tasty. Generally it's actually pretty well balanced on the macro front too and is where I turn when I need some extra carbs for the day.

Taco Seasoning
Do you find yourself making tacos on tuesdays? Or whenever really... You probably use that store bought taco mix that's been sitting so long the granules have stuck together and formed a block of just stuff. Well, next time you're at Trader Joe's, pick up their Taco Mix (usually near the salsa). It's AMAZING and made only with actual naturally occurring spices.

You read that correctly. I am talking about the gross looking green stuff that is found in the ocean. Trader Joe's dries it out, sprinkles salt on it and packages it as a snack. The stuff is delicious and only 30 calories a pack. So next time you're craving something salty or have a snack attack it's a great thing to shush your stomach. I didn't believe it at first either, but a 30 calorie seaweed snack can be filling.